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Phosphoric Acid

The common acid "debility" is very marked in this remedy, producing a nervous exhaustion. Mental debility first; later physical. A congenial soil for the action of Phos acid is found in young people who grow rapidly, and who are overtaxed, mentally or physically. Whenever the system has been exposed to the ravages of acute disease, excesses, grief, loss of vital fluids, we obtain conditions calling for it. Pyrosis, flatulence, diarrhœa, diabetes, rhachitis and periosteal inflammation. Neurosis in stump, after amputation. Hæmorrhages in typhoid. Useful in relieving pain of cancer.

Mind.--Listless. Impaired memory (Anac). Apathetic, indifferent. Cannot collect his thoughts or find the right word. Difficult comprehension. Effects of grief and mental shock. Delirium, with great stupefaction. Settled despair.

Head.--Heavy; confused. Pain as if temples were crushed together. Worse, shaking or noise. Crushing headache. Pressure on top. Hair gray early in life; falls out. Dull headache after coition; from eye-strain (Nat m). Vertigo toward evening, when standing or walking. Hair thins out, turns gray early.

Eyes.--Blue rings around. Lids inflamed and cold. Pupils dilated. Glassy appearance. Averse to sunlight; sees colors as if a rainbow. Feel too large. Amblyopia in masturbators. Optic nerves seem torpid. Pain as if eyeballs were forcibly pressed together and into head.

Ears.--Roaring, with difficult hearing. Intolerant of noise.

Nose.--Bleeding. Bores fingers into nose. Itching.

Mouth.--Lips dry, cracked. Bleeding gums; retract from teeth. Tongue swollen, dry, with viscid, frothy mucus. Teeth feel cold. At night, bites tongue in voluntarily.

Face.--Pale, earthy; feeling of tension as from dried albumen. Sensation of coldness of one side of face.

Stomach.--Craves juicy things. Sour risings. Nausea. Symptoms following sour food and drink. Pressure as from a weight, with sleepiness after eating (Fel tauri). Thirst for cold milk.

Abdomen.--Distention and fermentation in bowels. Enlarged spleen (Ceanoth). Aching in umbilical region. Loud rumbling.

Stool.--Diarrhœa, white, watery, involuntary, painless, with much flatus; not specially exhausting. Diarrhœa in weakly, delicate rachitic children.

Urine.--Frequent, profuse, watery, milky. Diabetes. Micturition, preceded by anxiety and followed by burning. Frequent urination at night. Phosphaturia.

Male.--Emissions at night and at stool. Seminal vesiculitis (Oxal acid). Sexual power deficient; testicles tender and swollen. Parts relax during embrace (Nux). Prostatorrhœa, even when passing a soft stool. Eczema of scrotum. Œdema of prepuce, and swollen glans-penis. Herpes preputialis. Sycotic excrescences (Thuja).

Female.--Menses too early and profuse, with pain in liver. Itching; yellow leucorrhœa after menses. Milk scanty; health deteriorated from nursing.

Respiratory.--Chest troubles develop after brain-fag. Hoarseness. Dry cough from tickling in chest. Salty expectoration. Difficult respiration. Weak feeling in chest from talking (Stann). Pressure behind the sternum, rendering breathing difficult.

Heart.--Palpitation in children who grow too fast; after grief, self-abuse. Pulse irregular, intermittent.

Back.--Boring pain between scapulæ. Pain in back and limbs, as if beaten.

Extremities.--Weak. Tearing pains in joints, bones, and periosteum. Cramps in upper arms and wrists. Great debility. Pains at night, as if bones were scraped. Stumbles easily and makes missteps. Itching, between fingers or in folds of joints.

Skin.--Pimples, acne, blood-boils. Ulcers, with very offensive pus. Burning red rash. Formication in various parts. Falling out of the hair (Nat mur; Selen). Tendency to abscess after fevers.

Sleep.--Somnolency. Lascivious dreams with emissions.

Fever.--Chilliness. Profuse sweat during night and morning. Low types of fever, with dull comprehension ans stupor.

Modalities.--Better, from keeping warm. Worse, exertion, from being talked to; loss of vital fluids; sexual excesses. Everything impeding circulation causes aggravation of symptoms.

Relationship.--Compare: Œnothera biennis-Evening primrose--(Effortless diarrhœa with nervous exhaustion. Incipient hydrocephaloid. Whooping-cough and spasmodic asthma). Nectranda amare (Watery diarrhœa, dry tongue, colic, bluish ring around sunken eyes, restless sleep). China; Nux. Pic ac; Lactic ac; Phos.

Antidotes: Coffea.

Dose.--First potency.


Heart symptoms quite pronounce. Diabetes.

Head.--Aches chiefly in forehead or orbits from fullness of brain; worse any movement or mental exertion.

Eyes.--Pupils dilated, insensible to light. Eyeballs painful to touch.

Chest.--Breathing slow and sighing. Pulse rapid. Palpitation. Sick feeling about heart, with weak pulse. Right ribs sore. Dropsical effusion into pleura or pericardium.

Urinary.--Diabetic urine.

Heart.--Fearful palpitation and feeling that death is approaching.

Relationship.--Compare: Cratæg; Lach.

Dose.--Sixth and higher. A decoction of the shells as a drink for diabetes, but look out for severe headache.

Water Dropwort

The respiratory symptoms are most important, and have been frequently verified clinically. A very good remedy for the offensive expectoration and cough in phthisis, bronchitis, and emphysema. Tuberculosis, affecting generally the middle lobes. Everything tastes sweet. Hæmoptysis, hectic and colliquative diarrhœa.

Head.--Weight on vertex; aching and burning in temples and above eyes. Crushing feeling in vertex. Vertigo, dizzy when lying down.

Eyes.--Ciliary neuralgia; worse any attempt to use eyes: burning in eyes. Lachrymation. Cannot bear light. Headache; involving nerves going to eye.

Female.--Pain in milk ducts; intolerable between nursing. Pain in nipples.

Chest.--Sticking pain through right breast near sternum, extending to back near shoulders. Dyspnœa, and continuous cough, early in morning. Cough, with profuse and fetid expectoration; compels him to sit up. Hoarseness.

Fever.--Hectic; profuse and debilitating perspiration; intermittent, with pain in arms. Desire for acids.

Extremities.--Tired feeling when walking.

Relationship.--Compare: Con; Phyt; Sil; Ant iod; Myosotis arvensis.

Dose.--Tincture, to sixth potency. In phthisis not below the sixth.


Phosphorus irritates, inflames and degenerates mucous membranes, irritates and inflames serous membranes, inflames spinal cord and nerves, causing paralysis, destroys bone, especially the lower jaw and tibia; disorganizes the blood, causing fatty degeneration of blood vessels and every tissue and organ of the body and thus gives rise to hæmorrhages, and hæmatogenous jaundice.

Produces a picture of destructive metabolism. Causes yellow atrophy of the liver and sub-acute hepatitis. Tall, slender persons, narrow chested, with thin, transparent skin, weakened by loss of animal fluids, with great nervous debility, emaciation, amative tendencies, seem to be under the special influence of Phosphorus. Great susceptibility to external impressions, to light, sound, odors, touch, electrical changes, thunder-storms. Suddenness of symptoms, sudden prostration, faints, sweats, shooting pains, etc. Polycythemia. Blood extravasations; fatty degenerations, cirrhosis, caries, are pathological states often calling for Phosphorus. Muscular pseudo-hypertrophy, neuritis. Inflammation of the respiratory tract. Paralytic symptoms. Ill effects of iodine and excessive use of salt; worse, lying on left side. Tertiary syphilis, skin lesions, and nervous debility. Scurvy. Pseudo-hypertrophic paralysis. Ataxia and adynamia. Osteo myelitis. Bone fragility.

Mind.--Great lowness of spirits. Easily vexed. Fearfulness, as if something were creeping out of every corner. Clairvoyant state. Great tendency to start. Over-sensitive to external impressions. Loss of memory. Memory. Paralysis of the insane. Ecstasy. Dread of death when alone. Brain feels tired. Insanity, with an exaggerated idea of one's own importance. Excitable, produces heat all over. Restless, fidgety. Hypo-sensitive, indifferent.

Head.--Vertigo of the aged, after rising (Bry). Heat comes from spine. Neuralgia; parts must be kept warm. Burning pains. Chronic congestion of head. Brain-fag, with coldness of occiput. Vertigo, with faintness. Skin of forehead feels too tight. Itching of scalp, dandruff, falling out of hair in large bunches.

Eyes.--Cataract. Sensation as if everything were covered with a mist or veil, or dust, or something pulled tightly over eyes. Black points seem to float before the eyes. Patient sees better by shading eyes with hand. Fatigue of eyes and head even without much use of eyes. Green halo about the candlelight (Osmium). Letters appear red. Atrophy of optic nerve. Œdema of lids and about e eyes. Pearly white conjunctiva and long curved lashes. Partial loss of vision from abuse of tobacco (Nux) Pain in orbital bones. Paresis of extrinsic muscles. Diplopia, due to deviation of the visual axis. Amaurosis from sexual excess. Glaucoma. Thrombosis of retinal vessels and degenerative changes in retinal cells. Degenerative changes where soreness and curved lines are seen in old people. Retinal trouble with lights and hallucination of vision.

Ears.--Hearing difficult, especially to human voice. Re-echoing of sounds (Caust). Dullness of hearing after typhoid.

Nose.--Fan-like motion of nostrils (Lyc). Bleeding; epistaxis instead of menses. Over-sensitive smell, (Carbol ac; Nux). Periostitis of nasal bones. Foul imaginary odors (Aur). Chronic catarrh, with small hæmorrhages; handkerchief is always bloody. Polypi; bleeding easily (Calc; Sang).

Face.--Pale, sickly complexion; blue rings under eyes. Hippocratic countenance. Tearing pain in facial bones; circumscribed redness in one or both cheeks. Swelling and necrosis of lower jaw (Amphisbæna; Hecla lava).

Mouth.--Swelled and easily bleeding gums, ulcerated. Toothache after washing clothes. Tongue dry, smooth, red or white, not thickly coated. Persistent bleeding after tooth extraction. Nursing sore mouth. Burning in œsophagus. Dryness in pharynx and fauces. Thirst for very cold water. Stricture of œsophagus.

Stomach.--Hunger soon after eating. Sour taste and sour eructations after every meal. Belching large quantities of wind, after eating. Throws up ingesta by the mouthfuls. Vomiting; water is thrown up as soon as it gets warm in the stomach. Post-operative vomiting. Cardiac opening seems contracted, too narrow; the food scarcely swallowed, comes up again (Bry; Alum). Pain in stomach; relieved by cold food, ices. Region of stomach painful to touch, or on walking. Inflammation of stomach, with burning extending to throat and bowels. Bad effects of eating too much salt.

Abdomen.--Feels cold (Caps). Sharp, cutting pains. A very weak, empty, gone sensation felt in whole abdominal cavity. Liver congested. Acute hepatitis. Fatty degeneration (Carbon tetrachloride; Ars. Chlorof). Jaundice. Pancreatic disease. Large, yellow spots on abdomen.

Stool.--Very fetid stools and flatus. Long, narrow, hard, like a dog's. Difficult to expel. Desire for stool on lying on, left side. Painless, copious debilitating diarrhœa. Green mucus with grains like sago. Involuntary; seems as if anus remained open. Great weakness after stool. Discharge of blood from rectum, during stool. White, hard stools. Bleeding hæmorrhoids.

Urine.--Hæmaturia, especially in acute Bright's disease (Canth). Turbid, brown, with red sediment.

Male.--Lack of power. Irresistible desire; involuntary emissions, with lascivious dreams.

Female.--Metritis. Chlorosis. Phlebitis. Fistulous tracks after mammary abscess. Slight hæmorrhage from uterus between periods. Menses too early and scanty-not profuse, but last too long. Weeps before menses. Stitching pain in mammæ. Leucorrhœa profuse, smarting, corrosive, instead of menses. Amenorrhœa, with vicarious menstruation (Bry). Suppuration of mammæ, burning, watery, offensive discharge. Nymphomania. Uterine polyps.

Respiratory.--Hoarseness; worse evenings. Larynx very painful. Clergyman's sore throat; violent tickling in larynx while speaking. Aphonia, worse evenings, with rawness. Cannot talk on account of pain in larynx. Cough from tickling in throat; worse, cold air, reading, laughing, talking, from going from warm room into cold air. Sweetish taste while coughing. Hard, dry, tight, racking cough. Congestion of lungs. Burning pains, heat and oppression of chest. Tightness across chest; great weight on chest. Sharp stitches in chest; respiration quickened, oppressed. Much heat in chest. Pneumonia, with oppression; worse, lying on left side. Whole body trembles, with cough. Sputa rusty, blood-colored, or purulent. Tuberculosis in tall, rapidly-growing young people. Do not give it too low or too frequently here, it may but hasten the destructive degeneration of tubercular masses. Repeated hæmoptysis (Acal). Pain in throat on coughing. Nervous coughs provoked by strong odors, entrance of a stranger; worse in the presence of strangers; worse lying upon left side; in cold room.

Heart.--Violent palpitation with anxiety, while lying on left side. Pulse rapid, small, and soft. Heart dilated, especially right. Feeling of warmth in heart.

Back.--Burning in back; pain as if broken. Heat between the shoulder-blades. Weak spine.

Extremities.--Ascending sensory and motor paralysis from ends of fingers and toes. Stitches in elbow and shoulder joints. Burning of feet. Weakness and trembling, from every exertion. Can scarcely hold anything with his hands. Tibia inflamed and becomes necrosed. Arms and hands become numb. Can lie only on right side. Post-diphtheritic paralysis, with formication of hands and feet. Joints suddenly give way.

Sleep.--Great drowsiness, especially after meals. Coma vigil. Sleeplessness in old people. Vivid dreams of fire; of hæmorrhage. Lascivious dreams. Goes to sleep late and awakens weak. Short naps and frequent wakings.

Fever.--Chilly every evening. Cold knees at night. Adynamic with lack of thirst, but unnatural hunger. Hectic, with small, quick pulse; viscid night-sweats. Stupid delirium. Profuse perspiration.

Skin.--Wounds bleed very much, even if small; they heal and break out again. Jaundice. Little ulcer outside of large ones. Petechiæ. Ecchymosis. Purpura hæmorrhagia. Scurvy. Fungous hematodes and excrescences.

Modalities.--Worse, touch; physical or mental exertion; twilight; warm food or drink; change of weather, from getting wet in hot weather; evening; lying on left or painful side; during a thunder-storm; ascending stairs. Better, in dark, lying on right side, cold food; cold; open air; washing with col water; sleep.

Relationship.--Complementary: Ars; Cepa; Lyc; Silica. Sanguisuya 30-Leech--(Persistent hæmorrhages; effects of use of leeches). Phosph pentachloride (great soreness of mucous membrane of eyes and nose, throat and chest sore).

Incompatible: Caust.

Compare: Tuberculinum follows Phosphor well and complements its action. Phosphorus hydrogenatus (crumbling teeth; hyperæsthesia; locomotor ataxia); Amphisbæna (right jaw swollen and painful). Thymol (Typical sexual neurasthenia; irritable stomach; aching throughout lumbar region; worse, mental and physical exertion); Calc; Chin; Antim; Sep; Lyc; Sulph. In Pneumonia, Pneumococin 200 and Pneumotoxin (Cahis) taken from the Diplococcus lanceolatus of Fraenkel. Pneumonia and paralytic phenomena; pleuritic pain and pain in ilio-cecal region (Cartier).

Antidote: Antidote to Phosph. Poisoning: Turpentine with which it forms an insoluble mass. Also Potass permang. Nux. Phos antidotes the nausea and vomiting of chloroform and ether.

Dose.--Third to thirtieth potency. Should not be given too low or in too continuous doses. Especially in tuberculous cases. It may act as Euthanasia here.

Calabar Bean

This remedy and its active principle, Eserine, form a valuable addition to Materia Medica. Stimulates heart, raises blood pressure, and increases peristalsis. Causes contraction of the pupil and of the ciliary muscles. Induces a condition of short-sightedness. Spinal irritation, loss of motility, prostration, with very sensitive vertebræ Fibrillary tremors. Rigidity of muscles; paralysis. Depresses the motor and reflex activity of the cord and causes loss of sensibility to pain, muscular weakness, followed by complete paralysis, although muscular contractility is not impaired. Paralysis and tremors, chorea. Meningeal irritation, with rigidity of muscles. Tetanus and trismus. Polymyelitis anterior. Eserine is used locally to produce contraction of pupil.

Head.--Constant pain on top; vertigo, with constrictive feeling of head. Pain over orbits; cannot bear to raise eyelids. Cerebro-spinal meningitis; general tetanic rigidity. Spastic conditions of the face-muscles.

Eyes.--Night-blindness (Opposite: Bothrops); photophobia; contraction of pupils; twitching of ocular muscles. Lagophthalmus. Muscæ volitantes; flashes of light; partial blindness. Glaucoma; paresis of accommodation; astigmatism. Profuse lachrymation. Spasm of ciliary muscles, with irritability after using eyes. Increasing myopia. Post-diphtheritic paralysis of eye and accommodation muscles.

Nose.--Fluent coryza; burning and tingling of nostrils; nose stuffed and hot. Fever-blisters around nostrils.

Mouth.--Tongue feels sore on tip. Feeling as if a ball came up throat.

Throat.--Strong heart-pulsation felt in throat.

Stomach.--Great pain immediately after eating. Sensitive to pressure in epigastric region. Pain extends into chest and down arms. Gastralgia; chronic constipation.

Female.--Irregular menstruation, with palpitation. Congestion of eyes. Rigid muscles.

Heart.--Feeble pulse; palpitation; spasmodic action, with feeling pulsation through the whole body. Beats of heart distinctly perceptible in chest and head. Fluttering of heart felt in throat. Fatty degeneration (Cup ac).

Extremities.--Pain in right popliteal space. Burning and tingling in spine. Hands and feet numb. Sudden jerking of limbs on going to sleep. Tetanic convulsions. Locomotor ataxia. Numbness in paralyzed parts, crampy pains in limbs.

Relationship.--Compare: Eserine-the alkaloid of Physostigma--(slows action of heart and increases arterial tension; in ciliary spasm and spasmodic astigmatism due to irregular action of ciliary muscles; blepharo-spasms; pupils contracted. Twitching of lids, soreness of eyeballs, blurring of vision after using eyes, pains around eyes and head). Used locally to contract the pupil. Eserine contracts the pupils dilated by Atropin, but not those dilated by Gelsemium. Internally 6x.

Eserin Salicylate (post-operative intestinal paralysis; meteorism. Hypodermically 1/60-1/40 gr).

Compare also: Muscarin; Conium; Curare; Gels; Thebainum (tetanus); Piperazinum--(Uric acid conditions. Pruritus. Gout and urinary calculi. Constant backache. Skin dry, urine scanty. Rheumatic urthritis. Give one grain daily in carbonated water. First and second decimal trituration three times a day).

Antidote: Atropia. In full medicinal doses will relieve most of the effects of physostigmine.

Dose.--Third potency. The neutral sulphate of Eserine is instilled into the eye, from one-half to four grains to one ounce distilled water, to induce contraction of pupil, in mydriasis, injuries to the eye, iritis, corneal ulcers, etc.

Alkekengi-Winter Cherry

Marked urinary symptoms confirming its ancient uses in gravel, etc. Lithiasis; marked diuretic action. Languor and muscular weakness.

Head.--Vertigo, hazy feeling; memory weakness; desire to talk constantly. Throbbing pain, heavy over eyes in forehead. Facial paralysis. Dryness of mouth.

Extremities.--Stiff limbs; tonic cramps. Paralysis. When walking, every jar seems repeated in the head.

Fever.--Chilly in open air. Feverish in evening. Sweat during stool, with creeping sensation, with abundant urine. Pain in liver during, fever.

Respiratory.--Cough. Hoarse voice; throat irritated; chest oppressed, causing insomnia. Stabbing in chest.

Urinary.--Acrid, foul, retained, abundant. Polyuria. Sudden inability to hold it in women. Nocturnal incontinence. Enuresis.

Skin.--Excoriation between fingers and toes; pustules on thighs; nodes on forehead.

Modalities.--Worse, cold camp evening. After going heated.

Dose.--Tincture to third attenuation. The juice of the berries is used in dropsical conditions and irritable bladder.


Aching, soreness, restlessness, prostration, are general symptoms guiding to Phytolacca. Pre-eminently a glandular remedy. Glandular swellings with heat and inflammation. Has a powerful effect on fibrous and osseous tissues; fasciæ and muscle sheaths; acts on scar tissue. Syphilitic bone pains; chronic rheumatism. Sore throat, quinsy, and diphtheria. Tetanus and opisthotonos. Decrease of weight. Retarded dentition.

Mind.--Loss of personal delicacy, disregard of surrounding objects. Indifferent to life.

Head.--Vertigo on rising. Brain feels sore. Pain from frontal region backward. Pressure in temples and over eyes. Rheumatism of scalp; pains come on every time it rains. Scaly eruption on scalp.

Eyes.--Smarting. Feeling of sand under lids. Tarsal edges feel hot. Fistula lachrymalis (Fluor ac). Abundant lachrymation, hot.

Nose.--Coryza; flow of mucus from one nostril and from posterior nares.

Mouth.--Teething children with irresistible desire to bite the teeth together. Teeth clenched; lower lip drawn down; lips everted; jaws firmly set; chin drawn down on sternum. Tongue red tip, feels rough and scalded; bleeding from mouth; blisters on side. Mapped, indented, fissured, with yellow patch down center. Much stringy saliva.

Throat.--Dark red or bluish red. Much pain at root of tongue; soft palate and tonsils swollen. Sensation of a lump in throat (Bell; Lach). Throat feels rough, narrow, hot. Tonsils swollen, especially right; dark-red appearance. Shooting pain into ears on swallowing. Pseudo-membranous exudation, grayish white; thick, tenacious yellowish mucus, difficult to dislodge. Cannot swallow anything hot (Lach). Tension and pressure in parotid gland. Ulcerated sore throat and diphtheria; throat feels very hot; pain at root of tongue extending to ear. Uvula large, dropsical. Quinsy; tonsils and fauces swollen, with burning pain; cannot swallow even water. Mumps. Follicular pharyngitis.

Abdomen.--Sore spot in right hypochondrium. Rheumatism of abdominal muscles. Colic at navel. Burning griping pains. Bruised feeling through epigastrium and abdomen. Constipation of the aged and those with weak heart. Bleeding from rectum.

Urine.--Scanty, suppressed, with pain in kidney region. Nephritis.

Female.--Mastitis; mammæ hard and very sensitive. Tumors of the breasts with enlarged axillary glands. Cancer of breast. Breast is hard, painful and of purple hue. Mammary abscess. When child nurses, pain goes from nipple all over body. Cracks and small ulcers about nipples. Irritable breasts, before and during menses. Galactorrhœa (Calc). Menses too copious and frequent. Ovarian neuralgia of right side.

Male.--Painful induration of testicles. Shooting along perineum to penis.

Heart.--Feeling as if heart leaped into throat (Pod). Shock of pain in cardiac region alternating with pain in right arm.

Respiratory.--Aphonia. Difficult breathing; dry hacking, tickling cough; worse at night (Mentha; Bellad). Aching pains in chest, through mid-sternum; with cough. Rheumatism of lower intercostals.

Back.--Aching pains in lumbar region; pains streaking up and down spine into sacrum. Weakness and dull pain in region of kidneys. Back stiff, especially in morning on rising and during damp weather.

Extremities.--Shooting pain in right shoulder, with stiffness and inability to raise arm (see Heart). Rheumatism pains; worse in morning. Pains fly like electric shocks, shooting, lancinating, shifting rapidly (Puls; Kali bich). Pain in under side of thighs. Syphilitic sciatica. Aching of heels; relieved by elevating feet. Pains like shocks. Pain in legs, patient dreads to get up. Feet puffed; pain in ankles and feet. Neuralgia in toes.

Fever.--High fever, alternating with chilliness and great prostration.

Skin.--Itches, becomes dry, shrunken, pale. Papular and pustular lesions. Most useful in early stages of cutaneous diseases. Disposition to boils, and when sloughing occurs. Squamous eruptions. Syphilitic eruptions. Swelling and induration of glands. Venereal buboes. Scarlatina-like rash. Warts and moles.

Modalities.--Worse, sensitive to electric changes. Effects of a wetting, when it rains, exposure to damp, cold weather, night exposure, motion, right side. Better, warmth, dry weather, rest.

Relationship.--Compare: Tincture of Phytolacca Berry (sore throats and in the treatment of obesity); Bry; Rhus; Kali hyd; Merc; Sang; Arum triph.

Inimical: Mercur.

Antidotes: Milk and salt; Bellad; Mezer.

Dose.--Tincture, to third potency. Externally for mastitis.

Picric Acid-Trinitrophenol

Causes degeneration of the spinal cord, with paralysis. Brainfag and sexual excitement. Acts upon the generative organs probably through the lumbar centers of the spinal cord; prostration, weakness and pain of back, pins and needle sensation in extremities. Neurasthenia (Oxal ac). Muscular debility. Heavy tired feeling. Myelitis with spasms and prostration. Writer's palsy. Progressive, pernicious anæmia. Uræmia with complete anuria. A one per cent solution applied on lint, is the best application for burns until granulations begin to form. Sallow complexion.

Mind.--Lack of will-power; disinclined to work. Cerebral softening. Dementia with prostration, sits still and listless.

Head.--Head pains; relieved by bandaging tightly. Occipital pain; worse, slightest mental exertion. Vertigo and noises in ear. Boils within ears and back of neck. After prolonged mental strain, with anxiety and dread of failure at examination. Brain fag.

Eyes.--Chronic catarrhal conjunctivitis with copious, thick yellow discharge.

Stomach.--Bitter taste. Aversion to food.

Urinary.--Scanty; complete anuria. Dribbling micturition. Urine contains much indican, granular cylinders and fatty degenerated epithelium. Inflammation of kidneys with profound weakness, dark, bloody, scanty urine. Nightly urging.

Male.--Emissions profuse, followed by great exhaustion, without sensual dreams. Priapism; satyriasis. Hard erections, with pain in testicles and up cord. Prostatic hypertrophy, especially in cases not too far advanced.

Female.--Pain in left ovary and leucorrhœa before menstruation. Pruritus vulvæ.

Extremities.--Burning along spine. Great weakness. Tired, heavy feeling all over body, especially limbs; worse, exertion. Feet cold. Cannot get warm. Acute descending paralysis.

Modalities.--Worse, least exertion, especially mental, after sleep, wet weather. A summer or hot weather remedy; patient is worse then. Better, from cold air, cold water, tight pressure.

Relationship.--Compare: Oxal ac; Gels; Phos; Sil; Arg nit. Compare: Zinc pic (facial palsy and paralysis agitans); Ferr pic (buzzing in ears, deafness; chronic gout; epistaxis; prostatic troubles); Calc pic (boils in and around ears).

Dose.--Sixth potency.

Scotch Pine

Has been found of real use in the treatment of weak ankles and tardiness in walking, in scrofulous and rachitic children. Emaciation of lower extremities. Pinus sylvestris combines rheumatic, bronchial and urticarious symptoms; the chest seems thin and to give way.

Extremities.--Stiffness; gouty pain in all joints, especially finger-joints. Cramps in calves.

Skin.--Nettle-rash. Itching all over, especially about joints and on abdomen. Nose itches.

Relationship.--Compare: Pinus Lambertina-Sugar Pine--(constipation, amenorrhœa, abortion). Pinus Lambertina sap is a decided carthartic. Delayed and painful menstruation.

Also, Abies can; Abies nig.

Dose.--Tincture, to third potency.


The intoxication produced by Kava is of a silent and drowsy character with incoherent dreams, loss of muscular power.

Urinary and skin symptoms have been verified. Marked modality. Arthritis deformans. Colic with flatulence.

Mind.--Very sensitive. Exaltation of mind. Amelioration of pains for a time by diverting attention. Restless desire to change position.

Urine.--Increased. Burning during micturition, gonorrhœa, and gleet. Cystitis. Chordee.

Skin.--Scaly. Fall of scales leaves white spots, which often ulcerate. Leprosy. Ichthyosis.

Extremities.--Pain in right arm. Hands feel paralyzed. Pain in thumb-joint.

Relationship.--Compare: Chaulmoogra-Taraktogenos--(The oil and its derivatives are to a certain extent effective in the treatment of leprosy, especially in early cases).

Bixa orellana, a South American plant related to Chaulmoogra, recommended for leprosy, eczema and elephantiasis.

Modalities.--Better, by turning mind to another topic; changing position.

Dose.--Tincture, and lower potencies.

Black Pepper

Sensation of burning and pressure everywhere.

Mind.--Sad, apprehensive. Unable to concentrate; starts at any noise.

Head.--Heavy headache, as if temples were pressed in; pressure in nasal and facial bones. Eyes inflamed and burning. Red burning face. Bursting aching in eyeballs. Nose itches; sneezing; nosebleed. Lips dry and cracked.

Throat.--Sore, feels raw, burns. Burning pain in tonsils.

Stomach.--Gastric discomfort. Full feeling. Great thirst. Flatulence. Tympanites. Colic and cramps.

Chest.--Dyspnœa, cough with pain in chest in spots, feels as if spitting blood. Palpitation, cardiac pain slow intermittent pulse. Great flow of milk.

Urinary.--Burning in bladder and urethra. Difficult micturition. Bladder feels full, swollen; frequent inclination without success. Priapism.

Dose.--Low attenuations.


Pituitary exercises a superior control over the growth and development of the sexual organs, stimulates muscular activity and overcomes uterine inertia. Its influence over unstriped muscular fiber is marked. Cerebral hæmorrhage. Will check hæmorrhage and add absorption of clot. Uterine inertia in second stage of labor where os is fully dilated. High blood pressure, chronic nephritis, prostatitis. Ten drops after meals (Dr. Geo. Fuller). Vertigo, difficult mental concentration, confusion and fullness deep in frontal region. Use 30th potency.

Relationship.--Pituitrin--(Is a vaso-constrictor and parturient. Used chiefly for its action on the uterus either to aid in childbirth or to check bleeding after delivery. In doses of 1 c.c.m. intravenously to stimulate labor pains, expulsive period only. Contra indicated in myocarditis, nephritis and arteriosclerosis. A watery solution made from the posterior portion of the gland is put up in ampules containing about 15 minims each and is considered the hypodermic dose. No effect per os).


Tar and its constituents act on various mucous membranes.

Its skin symptoms most important. A great cough medicine. Bronchial irritation after influenza (Kreosot; Kali bich). Scaly eruptions. Much itching. Constant vomiting of blackish fluid, with pain in stomach. Alopecia (Fluor ac).

Chest.--Pain at a spot about the third left costal cartilage where it joins the rib. Rales through the lungs, and muco-purulent sputum; offensive odor and taste. Chronic bronchitis.

Skin.--Cracked; itches intolerably; bleeds on scratching. Eruptions on back of hands.

Relationship.--Compare its constituents: Kreosol; Petrol; Pinus; Eupion; Terebinth; Carbolic acid.

Dose.--First to sixth potency.


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